Knowledge vs. Enlightenment
Lifelong Learner
I have always been a learner and have defined myself as a lifelong learner for decades. I LOVE to learn new things – even if I never apply them to life again, I took the time and learned something new. It’s really fun for me. I know how to make clothes, quilt, knit, crochet, macramé, paint in oils, acrylics, and watercolors, collage I know photography, graphic design, surface pattern designs, how to facilitate retreats and The Desire Map, sing, play guitar, life coach, ski, ride a skateboard, play volleyball, intelligently watch football, all because I was curious and wanted to learn.
I’ve often wondered, does my quest to continue learning things mean I’m avoiding “real life” or does it mean that I have a thirst for knowledge that surpasses all other thirsts in my life?
In the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu, it says, “In the pursuit of knowledge every day something is added, in the pursuit of enlightenment every day something is dropped.”
Honestly, this feels a lot like how my brain works these days, filled to capacity, so if something gets added, something automatically gets lost. I blame the hormones.
I don’t think that’s what Mr. Tzu meant, though. I think what he was saying is, if we drop the beliefs that are keeping us from true happiness, we step closer to enlightenment.
Subtract the beliefs that are keeping you from happiness.
Doesn’t that feel like freedom? Like a step toward enlightenment?
One of my favorite things to do as a coach is to help people unshackle themselves from the thoughts and beliefs that are holding them back – from happiness, from living the lives they are meant to live.
If you’re living now in a state of unhappiness, let’s talk. Send me an email and we’ll schedule some appointments. We’ll release those limiting beliefs. And you’ll be one step closer to enlightenment.