Happy 50th Birthday To Me And Gifts For You!!!
Welcome to my 50th birthday celebration! I'm in Hawaii celebrating with my sweet hubby, but I thought that this day might be the most auspicious day in which to launch “the new me” and share with you the new way in which I plan to do life, so here we are!
Multi-Passionate Me
I am a multi-passionate person and I have tried so hard to separate the different parts of me and to be just one of the things at a time, for decades; to do one career, to follow one passion at a time. I have tried to just do one thing, to just BE ONE THING. It has NEVER worked.
Over and over I have failed at being singular in my passions and my jobs.
One of the side effects of trying and failing to be singularly enchanted with one thing, is that if another thing is calling to me (and it ALWAYS is. Is that just a byproduct of being a Pisces and a Creative?) then I feel guilty and wrong for wanting to be doing something else. I feel wrong for not sticking with whatever it was that had my attention and for wanting to move on to the next thing that is calling my name. And the result was, I was giving nothing my passion nor my energy. And that did not feel good.
Currently on my taxes for occupation it says Graphic Designer/Life Coach. I wonder how many people at the IRS go, “Huh? The fu$& is that? What does that even mean???”
When I became a life coach, I was given the advice by several people that I really trusted that I needed to let go of being a graphic designer and just be a coach. *I* had thought that I could change my design website - which was my name - to be one in which people could have a choice - hire me for design work or hire me for life coaching. I was told no. Too confusing and I should just be one thing.
So I changed my design website completely to coaching and the design part of me got left hanging in the wind. Even though I still did design work, I had no website for it and most people probably don’t even know that was doing it.
www.lauriejacobsen.com went from being a graphic design website to a coaching website and the design part of me no longer had a home.
The Maker Me
I am SO JEALOUS of people that just paint. And people that just quilt. And people that just sew clothes. And people that just make jewelry. And people that just make pillows. You get the idea – I’ve done all of those things. Throughout the course of my life I have made/done all of the following:
Sewn clothing, quilted wallets, purses, quilts, made clocks, self-designed botanical greeting cards, coasters, rubber stamped greeting cards + artwork, ceramic bowls, jewelry, photographs, drawings, 3-D art with wire, rope bowls, pin cushions, weavings, marbled paper, crochet hats, scarves, sweaters and shawls for retreat, knit scarves, paintings, oil, acrylic + alcohol inks, encaustic paintings, plaster paintings, cross stitch, needle point, hooked rugs, pillows - cross stitch then sewn + quilted pillows + embroidered pillows, sewn coasters, embroidery on clothing and canvas bags, quilt design (patterns), surface pattern design, and for certain I’m forgetting something.
Do you see what I mean? I have an insatiable thirst for learning new things and for making all the things.
So, to sum up. I currently have two jobs and 500 maker passions.
And I feel like I have multiple personalities. I have to be the maker person on this Instagram account and only show photos of making things. Over here on this website I’m going to be this life coach person and only talk about those things. Over here is where I will be personal Laurie.
Well, I’m over it!
All of Me
I’ve made the decision to be ALL OF ME. So, from this day forward you will find all of me at lauriejacobsen.com. (Remember that website I dreamt of five years ago? Well here it is!) I will blog about all of my work and all of my life and all of my passions - all in one place. You will be able to book a retreat, or buy a piece of art or a quilt, or hire me to design your website and your PDFs, and edit your videos. I feel like a renaissance woman and a bit of a rule breaker. And it feels sooooo good.
I’ve been working sooooooooooo hard behind the scenes for months figuring out the best way to integrate two websites and two blogs into one and I hope you LOVE it because I sure do!
Did I mention that today is my 50th birthday??? Well, it is. And because you’re here and you’ve kept reading through all of that, I’m going to give you a big, huge gift!
Every day this week I’m going to be giving my services away at a 50% discount (see what I did there?). Today’s giveaway is 50% off of a new Squarespace website (normally $2,499.)!!!
Have you been thinking about switching from WordPress to Squarespace? Now is the time.
Have you been thinking your website needs a facelift? This is your chance!!
Want a brand new website for a blog or business you're going to start? This is your chance to get it HALF OFF!!!
And I'll tell you exactly how to win below. If you win you'll have six months to cash this in. Plenty of time for you to decide what you want and for me to make your dreams come true. If you want to read about what you’ll get you can go here and here.
Here’s what you need to do to win the website. Do at least one of the following. Each other thing you do will be another chance to win. Make sure to TAG me where appropriate so that I see you've done it!
Get on my mailing list – I’m not an obnoxious emailer, I promise – lauriejacobsen.com to sign up.
Like my business Facebook page here.
Share this giveaway post on Facebook by sharing this post.
Follow me on Instagram.
Share the giveaway on Instagram and tag @lauriejacobsen #lauriejacobsen.
Tag any artist friends or people you think my be interested in my services on Instagram. Each tag will be another entry.
Blog about my giveaway. Especially awesome if you’ve worked with me and loved my service.
Follow me on Pinterest.
Pin images from my Shop Services page to Pinterest.
It’s an easy-peasy four and a half minutes of your time to win a $1,249.50 prize!!
Today’s giveaway is HUGE, so it’s going to last all week and close on Friday, March 9 at 11:59 p.m. So feel free to share all week! Thank you!!!
Winners of all of this week’s giveaways will be announced March 15th, when I’m back from Hawaii and can devote myself to picking winners!! (Thanks for your patience there!)
And please! take a stroll through the new site and come back here and tell me what you think!