Birthday Week Giveaway - Day 3!

A HUGE ‘thank you’ for the shares and tagging!

Hawaii continues to be amazing. We went on the CRAZIEST adventure yesterday. You can watch it in my Instagram stories. (I haven’t completely figured them out yet, so they’re a liiiiiitle rough!) We have never been to Kauai and have had so much fun exploring this island. It totally suits my introverted-ness to perfection!!!

The Giveaway

Today’s giveaway is 50% off video editing services!!!  

Maybe you’ve been thinking about creating an online course and didn’t know what to do with the videos when you were done fiming, because you’re an artist not a video editor...well, this is a great way to start. And I’m available for business strategy sessions where I can walk you through the rest of the process!!  We can make your online course dreams come true!

Regular price for video editing is $49 per half hour of un-edited video, so through this giveaway, you’ll get it for $24.50!!!  So cheap!!!  You’ll have six months to take advantage of the offer.

Here’s what you need to do to win the video editing giveaway. Do at least one of the following. Each other thing you do will be another chance to win. Make sure to TAG me where appropriate so that I see you've done it!

  • Get on my mailing list – I’m not an obnoxious emailer, I promise – to sign up.

  • Like my business Facebook page here.

  • Share this giveaway post on Facebook by sharing this post.

  • Follow me on Instagram.

  • Share the giveaway on Instagram and tag @lauriejacobsen #lauriejacobsen.

  • Tag any artist friends or people you think my be interested in my services on Instagram. Each tag will be another entry.

  • Blog about my giveaway. Especially awesome if you’ve worked with me and loved my service.

  • Follow me on Pinterest.

  • Pin images from my Shop Services page to Pinterest.

Don't forget to come back here and comment what you've done so I can enter you in the giveaway!

Today’s giveaway will close today at 11:59 p.m. Still going on all week is Monday's giveaway of a Squarespace website. Feel free to keep sharing and tagging that post on Social Media and go back to that post to tell me what you've done so you're entered for that giveaway.

Winners of all of this week’s giveaways will be announced March 15th, when I’m back from Hawaii and can devote myself to picking winners!! (Thanks for your patience!)


Laurie Jacobsen

Squarespace Web and Graphic Designer, Business Mentor & Artist.

Birthday Week Giveaway - Day 4!


Birthday Week Giveaway - Day 2!