Personal Story Laurie Jacobsen Personal Story Laurie Jacobsen

Day One

2013 brought a lot with it. Sometimes years will go by and I don't really feel like much momentous happened at all, but 2013 was packed to the brim with momentous. There were many new friendships made (four and five hour lunches!) with people from all over the world, which are connections that I'm hopeful will last years and years. There were relationships cemented, and one that was tested and has floundered a bit.

There was a new career path chosen, which brought intense study and immense personal and spiritual growth.

There was creativity found, which once was lost, and other life-changing online courses, which I was blessed to take.

There was adventurous travel with the love of my life.

There was a conference attended, where I met people I internet-knew and loved and got to hug and smile and share space with in real life. There were retreats attended and one retreat sadly, not attended.

There was a husband's birthday celebrated with a trip to family in Cali, which included a surprise visit from daughter number one.

There was Pismo. Magic.

There was a 21st birthday celebrated with a football game and midnight drink with a daughter that shines so bright.

And there was a dog that passed away one morning who took part of me with her.

There were pounds shed, which I'm happy to release and send on their way, blessing them for bringing me what I needed while they were here, now ready to need them no longer.

There was help received for the past, and the present, and the future by some incredible souls, some of them even human.

I bless 2013 for all of this and all of the rest. Thank you 2013.

Today is Day One of 2014 and I bless it for all it is about to bring. Thank You 2014.

Thank you.

Did anything momentous happen in your life in 2013? I'd love to hear about it in the comments below.

Today I'm wishing you peace, love and infinite prosperity in 2014.

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