Confrontation to Minimize Conflict via Tiny Buddha

This week's Share The Love Sunday is brought to us by Tiny Buddha, a website that I LOVE. If you aren't familiar with them, grab a cup of coffee and hunker down to spend some time - there is so much goodness to be found there! I found this article for my daughter, who sublet her apartment for the summer and returned to find all of her things shoved in a box in the corner, her dresser top ruined, and black spots on the carpet. She wasn't sure how to handle the situation because the person she sublet to is a classmate, someone she's going to have to continue seeing for the next couple years.

The article title is, A Simple Way to Confront Someone To Minimize Potential Conflict and was written by Belinda Noyes. You can find the whole article here. I wanted to share it because I feel like this is something that a lot of us struggle with.

One of the main points is, do we have to see confrontation as a negative thing? A lot of us were raised to believe that if we confront someone we are being, "bitches." When in reality we are having a backbone and not allowing ourselves to be doormats. It's all about how you handle it. I hope you're read the article and that you find value in it!

Happy Sunday!

Laurie Jacobsen

Squarespace Web and Graphic Designer, Business Mentor & Artist.

Grace Tip Tuesday


Receiving Grace